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中华肝脏外科手术学电子杂志 ›› 2018, Vol. 07 ›› Issue (06) : 511 -515. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-3232.2018.06.019

所属专题: 文献


熊志勇1, 姚志成1, 胡昆鹏1, 邬杰宗2, 李瑞曦2, 周伯宣2, 梁豪2, 邓美海2,()   
  1. 1. 510530 广州,中山大学附属第三医院岭南医院普通外科
    2. 510630 广州,中山大学附属第三医院肝胆外科
  • 收稿日期:2018-09-07 出版日期:2018-12-10
  • 通信作者: 邓美海
  • 基金资助:
    广东省自然科学基金(2016A030313848,2016A030313200); 广东省科技计划项目(2014A020212122)

Expression of PLVAP gene in hepatocellular carcinoma tissues and its clinical significance

Zhiyong Xiong1, Zhicheng Yao1, Kunpeng Hu1, Jiezong Wu2, Ruixi Li2, Boxuan Zhou2, Hao Liang2, Meihai Deng2,()   

  1. 1. Department of General Surgery, Lingnan Hospital, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510530, China
    2. Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510630, China
  • Received:2018-09-07 Published:2018-12-10
  • Corresponding author: Meihai Deng
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Deng Meihai, Email:

熊志勇, 姚志成, 胡昆鹏, 邬杰宗, 李瑞曦, 周伯宣, 梁豪, 邓美海. PLVAP基因在肝癌组织的表达及临床意义[J/OL]. 中华肝脏外科手术学电子杂志, 2018, 07(06): 511-515.

Zhiyong Xiong, Zhicheng Yao, Kunpeng Hu, Jiezong Wu, Ruixi Li, Boxuan Zhou, Hao Liang, Meihai Deng. Expression of PLVAP gene in hepatocellular carcinoma tissues and its clinical significance[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Hepatic Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2018, 07(06): 511-515.




标本来源于2013年1月至2015年12月在中山大学附属第三医院接受治疗的108例肝癌患者。其中男92例,女16例;平均年龄(48±5)岁。患者均签署知情同意书,符合医学伦理学规定。结合公共数据库中肝癌资料,分析PLVAP的表达水平。采用RT-PCR检测肝癌组织及癌旁组织中PLVAP mRNA的表达水平,并分析PLVAP的表达水平与肝癌临床病理特征的关系。通过癌症基因组图谱(TCGA)数据库数据分析PLVAP与肝癌患者预后的关系。肝癌和癌旁组织PLVAP mRNA比较采用Kruskal-Wallis秩和检验,相关性分析采用χ2检验,生存分析采用Kaplan-Meier生存曲线和Log-rank检验。


人类蛋白质图谱和Oncomine数据库分析结果显示,PLVAP在肝癌组织中的表达量明显高于正常肝组织。RT-PCR检测结果显示肝癌组织中PLVAP mRNA中位表达水平为0.172(0.004~0.607),明显高于癌旁组织的0.091(0.002~0.513) (Z=6.839,P<0.05)。肝癌患者PLVAP表达水平与TB、肿瘤大小、微血管侵犯相关(χ2=4.183,3.924,6.075;P<0.05)。PLVAP高表达组总生存期和无复发生存期分别为58.8(0.5~107.0)、42.2(0.1~67.2)个月,与PLVAP低表达组的55.7(0.2~120.7)、20.9(0.1~109.4)个月比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.054,0.065;P>0.05)。




To investigate expression of plasmalemmal vesicle-associated protein (PLVAP) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) tissues and its relationship with clinicopathological features.


Tissue specimens were collected from 108 patients with HCC in the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University from January 2013 to December 2015. 92 patients were male and 16 female, aged (48±5) years on average. The informed consents of all patients were obtained and the local ethical committee approval was received. The expression level of PLVAP was analyzed based on the data of HCC in public databases. The expression level of PLVAP mRNA in HCC and paracarcinoma tissues was detected by RT-PCR, and the relationship between the expression of PLVAP and clinicopathological characteristics of HCC was analyzed. The relationship between PLVAP and prognosis of HCC patients was investigated with the data from cancer genome atlas (TCGA) database. The expression levels of PLVAP mRNA between HCC tissues and para-carcinoma tissues were compared by Kruskal-Wallis rank-sum test. Correlation analysis was performed by Chi-square test. Survival analysis was conducted by Kaplan-Meier survival curve and Log-rank test.


According to Human Protein Atlas and Oncomine databases, the expression level of PLVAP in HCC tissues was significantly higher than that in normal liver tissues. RT-PCR showed that the median expression level of PLVAP mRNA in HCC tissues was 0.172(0.004-0.607), significantly higher compared with 0.091(0.002-0.513) in para-carcinoma tissues (Z=6.839, P<0.05). The expression level of PLVAP in HCC patients was significantly correlated with TB, tumor size and microvascular invasion (χ2=4.183, 3.924, 6.075; P<0.05). In PLVAP high expression group, the overall survival and tumor-free survival were 58.8(0.5-107.0) and 42.2(0.1-67.2) months, where no significant difference from 55.7(0.2-120.7) and 20.9(0.1-109.4) months in PLVAP low expression group (χ2=0.054, 0.065; P>0.05).


The expression level of PLVAP is significantly correlated with the development and progression of HCC, whereas it is probably not associated with the prognosis of HCC patients.

表1 RT-PCR实验引物设计序列
图1 PLVAP在肝癌组织中的表达
表2 PLVAP表达与肝癌临床病理特征的相关性分析(例)
图2 PLVAP表达水平与肝癌患者总生存期关系Kaplan-Meier生存曲线图
图3 PLVAP表达水平与肝癌患者无复发生存期关系Kaplan-Meier生存曲线图
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